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How can I insert a line break in a lookup expression ?

How can I insert a line break in a lookup expression ?

Best Answer

Lookup expressions in semQL allow aggregating strings using the string_agg <lookup_type>. If you need to insert line breaks between the values, you can use the following <separator> in a Markdown Component Type expression :

lookup string_agg stringAtt separated by '  
' from yourChildEntity end

There are actually two spaces followed by a line break inside the quotes, which is one of the options supported by the Markdown spec.

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Lookup expressions in semQL allow aggregating strings using the string_agg <lookup_type>. If you need to insert line breaks between the values, you can use the following <separator> in a Markdown Component Type expression :

lookup string_agg stringAtt separated by '  
' from yourChildEntity end

There are actually two spaces followed by a line break inside the quotes, which is one of the options supported by the Markdown spec.

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