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LoadDataRecord contains non persitable expressions when trying to publish Data using the Rest API

Can someone help with below error while trying to publish data through api: { "errorMessage": "Invalid Data Error: LoadDataRecord contains non persitable expressions [VendorSiteID]", Here VendorSiteID is the primary key attribute.

            "Country":"UNITED STATES",
            "AddressLine2":"JINGLE BELL WAY",
            "Address":"ABC WAY",
            "VendorName":"VENDOR LLC",
            "Contact":"JOHN DOE",
            "Email":"[email protected]",
            "VendorName":"NEW VENDOR",
            "Region":"NORTH AMERICA",


Best Answer

You have to remove the VendorSiteID from the request and changing the value of SourceID with VendorSiteID's value. You can take valid payload samples from our generated Rest API Documentation.

1 Comment


You have to remove the VendorSiteID from the request and changing the value of SourceID with VendorSiteID's value. You can take valid payload samples from our generated Rest API Documentation.

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