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How to implement JSON content in Semarchy attributes ?

Is there a way to store and edit (with a user friendly experience) a JSON content within a Semarchy attribute ?

In Postgresql for instance we have a datatype "jsonb" (for json binary) which is very handful to manipulate nested data (

I wonder if there is a way to take advantage of the binary datatype to manipulate json in Semarchy ? Or maybe work with native functions and specific form field display/rules to seamlessly convert string to json and vice versa ?

I could also ask : is "JSON datatype" in the roadmap ?

Best Answer

There is currently no JSON datatype in the xDM roadmap.

You can use the LongText datatype to store JSON content in attributes, but there is no specific feature to manipulate data stored in JSON format. The risk with storing JSON would be either to store data on which designers have no control (format, constraints...), or to have a "datamodel in the datamodel", which would add complexity for both designers and end-users.

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There is currently no JSON datatype in the xDM roadmap.

You can use the LongText datatype to store JSON content in attributes, but there is no specific feature to manipulate data stored in JSON format. The risk with storing JSON would be either to store data on which designers have no control (format, constraints...), or to have a "datamodel in the datamodel", which would add complexity for both designers and end-users.

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