Semarchy xDM 2024.1.5 LTS is available!

We have released today on this patch for Semarchy xDM 2024.1 LTS.

You can read the release notes (2024.1.5) for the list of issues.

Bug Fixes

  • MDM-15029: Image Library file upload security enhancement.
  • MDM-15156: Under specific conditions when configuring a stepper in the Application Builder, a discrepancy arises in the display of the DETECT_DUPS validation, with it appearing multiple times for one entity but not at all for other entities in the Validations table.
  • MDM-15298: When navigating the Explain Record view within an MDM application, the Value tab exclusively displays the golden record column, while the master record columns remain empty, showing no labels or values.
  • MDM-15310: The Semarchy Email enricher does not return the expected cleansed domain names in both online and offline modes, specifically when the domain extension is missing from the input email address.
  • MDM-15373: Forms configured to open within an MDM application that uses a color theming scheme including css: green as a secondary color appear blank upon opening in the application interface.
  • MDM-15401: Despite configuring a form field as read-only in a legacy workflow, records remain editable in the corresponding stepper, including binary fields marked as read-only.
  • MDM-15403: When attempting to save a space character as a thousand separator within SAML identity providers, the save functionality remains inactive, preventing the application of the space as intended.
  • MDM-15420: When using a SemQL expression that incorporates the ClassName attribute for ID generation and trying to persist records via a POST request in a REST API environment, two distinct errors arise: omitting the ClassName attribute from the JSON payload prompts an error message indicating java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Some attributes required to compute the id are missing from inputAttributes: [ClassName]; conversely, including the ClassName attribute in the JSON payload triggers a different error, specifically Attribute Adde.ClassName not allowed in persist calls.
  • MDM-15448: When creating a child record through the REST API, if the parent is an instance of a fuzzy-matched entity, the FP_ and FS_ values provided in the source record are overwritten with values from another existing parent master record, resulting in a loss of information and incorrect associations between the child and parent records.
  • MDM-15454: Upon importing or publishing master records for a fuzzy-matched child entity through a workflow designed to handle erroneous golden records of this entity, the workflow encounters a failure while attempting to update multiple columns within the child entity table referencing the parent. This failure results in a multiple assignments to same column "parent" error message in the PDE log.
  • MDM-15487: When trying to assign a legacy workflow task, the list of candidate assignees is not sorted alphabetically in the transition dialogs, making it difficult to efficiently locate users and assign tasks.
  • MDM-15489: Within an MDM application, binary fields remain editable in read-only forms, allowing modifications that persist inconsistently based on entity type and previous overrides.

The Docker image and the Azure Solution Template will be updated to this version in the following days.

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