Semarchy xDM 5.3.27 is available!

We have released today on this patch for Semarchy xDM 5.3.

You can read the release notes (5.3.27) for the list of issues.

Bug Fixes

  • MDM-14297: Processing entities inheriting from the same parent entity in separate queues may cause the certification jobs to produce discrepancies or errors in the data, as jobs performed on one child entity can incorrectly update the batch IDs of another child entity’s records and disrupt job completion.
  • MDM-14604: On browsing forms, an unexpected backslash character (\) is observed at the end of the line just before a bullet-point list in bold formatting when inputting content into a long text field using a Markdown component.
  • MDM-14793: Third-party library upgrade: Azure Identity.
  • MDM-14794: Third-party component upgrade: Apache Tomcat (xDM preconfigured).
  • MDM-14822: An allowlist mechanism now restricts the classes permitted in Groovy conditions or scripts to enhance security within Semarchy xDM. To modify the default allowlist without compromising security, platform administrators are invited to contact our Technical Support team.
  • MDM-14823: Security enhancement: notification server.
  • MDM-14870: Third-party library upgrade: io.projectreactor.netty.
  • MDM-14908: Third-party library upgrade: io.projectreactor.netty.
  • MDM-14909: Third-party module upgrade: Apache Tomcat (xDM preconfigured).
  • MDM-15093: Third-party library upgrade: Bouncy Castle.
  • MDM-15196: Third-party library upgrade: Apache Commons Compress.
  • MDM-15204: Third-party component upgrade: PostgreSQL JDBC driver.
  • MDM-15214: Third-party library upgrade: Apache Commons Compress.
  • MDM-15317: Third-party component upgrade: Apache Tomcat for xDM preconfigured, Docker image, and cloud images (QuickStart VM and Azure Solution Template).
  • MDM-15320: Third-party component upgrade: Apache CXF.
  • MDM-15354: Third-party component upgrade: Markdown-it.
  • MDM-15377: Third-party library upgrade: Bouncy Castle.
  • MDM-15448: When creating a child record through the REST API, if the parent is an instance of a fuzzy-matched entity, the FP_ and FS_ values provided in the source record are overwritten with values from another existing parent master record, resulting in a loss of information and incorrect associations between the child and parent records.
  • MDM-15488: Security enhancement: login process.

The Docker image and the Azure Solution Template will be updated to this version in the following days.

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