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How Model and Datalocation rename can be done?

Scenario 1.

<Model1> created in <DataLoc1> in Dev environment.

Can we rename the model to <ModifiedModel1> and data location to <UpdatedDataLoc1>


<Model1> created in <DataLoc1> in Dev environment.

a. Can we rename to <NewModel1> the model after closing and taking export to the Higher Environment to see the model name as <NewModel1>?

b. Can we deploy exported model (from dev) to hIgher DataLocation <HigherDloc> (i.e. different data location name compared to dev data location?

Best Answer

Hello Kousik,

You cannot rename the Data Model once it is created, as it can cause a discrepancy in the system.

Data location can be renamed but not from the UI, using the DB repository table mta_data_location-

Change the name and label column as per your requirement, save it and refresh the UI.


Hello Kousik,

You cannot rename the Data Model once it is created, as it can cause a discrepancy in the system.

Data location can be renamed but not from the UI, using the DB repository table mta_data_location-

Change the name and label column as per your requirement, save it and refresh the UI.

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Thank you Subham for your response.

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