Hello Titouan,
Can you confirm if those fields are Foreign keys(Reference fields) which got duplicated?
If yes, then please follow the below steps-
Let me know if it works.
Thanks and have a nice day.
yes thank you !
by the way , is there a way to have export all column checked by default ?
Hello Titouan,
Yes, it will be enabled by default if there's no column hidden in the
When you export the record, it will be enabled-
If you hide any column then it is not enabled by default.
Thank you.
Titouan Roussel
Hello ,
i have an issue when export data from one of my apps
When i export the dataset , two of the 4 column duplicate in the csv :
what my collection look like in my app :
what it look like in my csv :
as you can see , the columns Station IATA Code and Crew Rank duplicate , how do i disable that
it does that with both Export all column enable and disabled