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When creating data , non ID data show up in the dropdown

Hello , 

I have an issue went i author data :

I have a entity referencing another and when i author it and try to add the referenced entity ID in the form , the drop-down menu show all ID with an attribute matching what's in the search box 

for example , here , i have a entity with the 3 letter IATA code of an airport , which is referencing an airport entity  (with the IATA code as manual ID), and with an attribute "airport name"


here , the 3 letter code should only show the NSI row in the dropdown menu , but it also show every code where the airport name with "NSI" in it , like BXZ for example which have "Bunsil Airport" as airport name (Bu NSI l so with nsi in the name) 

it doesnt do it in the other entity i have , which only show the ID 

Best Answer

You went on call with Toshish and it was due to Full text search. After removing Secondary text expression, it worked fine.


Which xDM version you using?

i'm on version 2024.3.0


Can you please send us your form field property SS , Form Stepper's Reference Selection SS and Business View's reference browsing Property Screen Shot . 





You went on call with Toshish and it was due to Full text search. After removing Secondary text expression, it worked fine.

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