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When creating data , non ID data show up in the dropdown

Hello , 

I have an issue went i author data :

I have a entity referencing another and when i author it and try to add the referenced entity ID in the form , the drop-down menu show all ID with an attribute matching what's in the search box 

for example , here , i have a entity with the 3 letter IATA code of an airport , which is referencing an airport entity  (with the IATA code as manual ID), and with an attribute "airport name"


here , the 3 letter code should only show the NSI row in the dropdown menu , but it also show every code where the airport name with "NSI" in it , like BXZ for example which have "Bunsil Airport" as airport name (Bu NSI l so with nsi in the name) 

it doesnt do it in the other entity i have , which only show the ID 


Which xDM version you using?

i'm on version 2024.3.0


Can you please send us your form field property SS , Form Stepper's Reference Selection SS and Business View's reference browsing Property Screen Shot . 




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