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Triggering an Enricher when another attribute changes

Hi there, 

How would I trigger an enricher to set the value of a boolean field when a specific attribute on the entity is changed?

I know I can trigger an enricher "on data change" in the stepper, but that seems to occur when any field changes.  I'd basically like to call an enricher only when one specific attribute is modified by a user.  Is this possible?

Hello Michael,

You can use case statement in enricher like :-

case when city ='MK' then 1 else 0 end

This condition will ensure if city is MK then enricher will be true else it will be false.

Thank you for getting back to me!  What I'm trying to do is a bit different....using your example, I'd like to have it say "when city value changes, set to zero, else leave alone (Whether it was 0 or 1 to begin with)".  does that make sense?  is that feasible?  thank you!

You can try this and activate enricher on On Data Change in stepper.

triggering "on data change" in the stepper does so whenever any field changes, though, correct?  thank you

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