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  1. Does anybody know how the B_SUGGMERGEMASTERSCOUNT is calculated?
  2. Can you use it in a match rule to avoid large match groups?

1 Comment

Hello David,

I think that an answer was provided over ticket, but I'm putting back here the answer if it can help someone else.

The matching process in Semarchy xDM works as follows:
  1. Matching is performed using a matcher, which runs a set of match rules.
  2. Each match rule has two phases: a binning phase and a matching phase.
  3. Match pairs are assigned a match score and the highest score from all matching rules is used.
  4. Match groups are created and a confidence score is computed for each group.

The attribute SuggMergeMasterCount could be defined as the number of masters having the same SuggID.

It's a calculation resulting from the matching process, so it can't be used during the matching process (as it doesn't exist yet).

But if the issue you are facing is due to large match groups then 
  • Avoid using attributes containing default or placeholder values in binning or matching expressions. Null is always different from anything, so null values are usually not an issue.
    Typical causes of default/placeholder values: Replacing non-existing values by spaces, dummy or default values.
  • Fix wrong data (for example: Replace placeholder value by an enriched value) or fix the rule to handle properly the placeholder/wrong data.
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