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How do you change Popup Form on a Reference Link

I would like to pick the Form layout of the PopUp view when I click on an Entities Reference Link.  

I have two forms on my Person Entity

1. AllDataForm (Default)

2. LimitedDataForm

On another Entity 'Team' that references the 'Person' Entity I have field on the TeamForm set up as a Hyperlink - Reference field.  

When you click on this it Popups a page with the Default form.   How do I set it up to be a more limited view of the data (e.g. change it from AllDataForm to LimitedDataForm)

1 Comment

Hello Sam,

Thank you for reaching out and detailing your question.

If I understood correctly, you are searching how to change the form that pop-ups when you click on a reference in another form.

If so, this can be configured in your business view > references browsing:

There, you can configure which form you want to pop-up (in the "Form" column).

Or you can also switch the browsing target to business view if you'd like to be redirect to a business view instead (business view that you can choose in the target business view column as well).

Hope this helps, but if this was not what you were looking for, please detail here your requirement.

Have a good day.


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