Technical Client Success Manager at Semarchy

When using External Loads through SQL, several functions are required in order to complete the 3-step load process. Please note, this is a different process/procedure used to process Continuous Loads.This article covers the functions and parameters needed in order to execute them. For details on the load process, refer to our official documentation here.  

  1. GET_NEW_LOADID function is used to generate a new load id. When executing, populate the Value column with the corresponding Data LocationProgram Name, and User Name.In SQL Server, the stored procedures are located in the Programmability section of the Repository database. 
Where can I find values for External Load functions?
Where can I find values for External Load functions?

The returned value is the load id to be used when loading the SD or SA tables. The next step (not shown) is populating the SD or SA table with values, then using the SUBMIT_LOAD function.


2. SUBMIT_LOAD function is used to submit the load, after the SD or SA table has been populated. Use the Load ID generated in the previous step, along with the name of your Integration Job and the User. 

Where can I find values for External Load functions?

Under the Management tab, we can see the new External Load with ID 12, along with the new Integration Batch with ID 10.

Where can I find values for External Load functions?