Yes, it is possible by providing a direct link to the Binary content. Steps are the following :
Use your binary Attribute in a Form Field of Component Type Hyperlink, then browse the record and click on the link:
Hyperlink form field
you will see that the actual url pointed by this link as composed of the following expression: :V_SERVER_BASE_URL || '/binaryResource?dlocName='|| :V_DATALOCATION ||'&entityName=Product&viewType=GD&selectExpression=binarySample&recordId=%7B%22ID%22%3A'|| ID ||'%7D&hash=3303'
this can be used in a Named Query Value SemQL expression, which renders the following kind of Body Response:
Postman calling the Named Query
This link can be used by any application that can embed content or by anyone. The binary has not been sent, only its Hyperlink has been shared.