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Export a model from production and import on a development environment

Can I export a closed model from Production and import it into a new freshly installed DEV environment that has a development Repository (accepts open models)? Will this cause any problems?

Best Answer

When you create a model from import, you can import a closed edition of your model. If you're on a Design repository, it will create a new root model (even if the root model is already in the Design repository) with an open model edition. You cannot import it as a new edition of the original root model.

Hi Jaspreet,

this question has been addressed in a separate topic :

Best regards,


Can you please provide the steps to import the model from DEV environment and load it to PROD environment.   


When you create a model from import, you can import a closed edition of your model. If you're on a Design repository, it will create a new root model (even if the root model is already in the Design repository) with an open model edition. You cannot import it as a new edition of the original root model.

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