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Change date formats

How to change date formats on application level? I would like to change every date format "MMM d, yyyy" to format "DD.MM.YYYY"

Best Answer

Each user can set his own date format in his profile, in the "Settings" tab. Dates follow the standard Simple Date Format (for example dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss).

If you would prefer to set a date format for everyone you can also play with the Display and Editing Formats properties in Collections and Form Views (using the same Simple Date Format). This will allow you to hardcode a date format at form/collection field level.

Hello ,

I used the display and editing formats to change the date in every form fields, but I am stuck on one point : I am using a date on a display card at a secondary text level. How can i change the format here ? FORMAT_DATE isn't a functional SemQL expression...

Thanks for your answer, 

Have a nice day


Each user can set his own date format in his profile, in the "Settings" tab. Dates follow the standard Simple Date Format (for example dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss).

If you would prefer to set a date format for everyone you can also play with the Display and Editing Formats properties in Collections and Form Views (using the same Simple Date Format). This will allow you to hardcode a date format at form/collection field level.

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