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API Key Authentication

I am trying to configure my REST APIs with API Key based authentication. However,  even with Admin role assigned to the key, when I try to execute APIs to get count of records or model export I am getting "Invalid Authentication" error when triggered from my postman app. I am putting entire key value of xxx.yyyyyyy in the key field in the authorization window.

Please let me know the right place to configure authentication for APIs to work without using basic auth.

Best Answer


Check that the API Key is setted on the header in your Postman.



Check that the API Key is setted on the header in your Postman.

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Check your roles and privileges in your model.

Maybe the semarchyAdmin is not present as privilege.

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Thank you so much Aymen for your help, that takes me to next level.

But now I am getting the response "You do not have the permissions to access the application. Please contact your administrator." But I have given semadmin role to this key.


Thanks again Aymen, I granted privileges to my semadmin user role and then the query is responding.

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