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Syntax for "Sort Expression" within a Business View / Business Entity

Hi there, I'm trying to create a custom sort on a Business Entity, and cant seem to find syntax that the designer will accept. I'd like to sort something like 

1) Column A ASC

2) Columb B DESC

I can do this in excel for example, by building the sort criteria one at a time.  within xDM I just have a blank box to input SemQL.  

Can anyone share some examples of functioning multi-column sort expressions?

thank you

Best Answer

Yes it is possible to do multi column sort expressions by applying the below semql

You can do this through UI as well by going to the option wizard and in sort records

this was super helpful.  Thank you!!!


Yes it is possible to do multi column sort expressions by applying the below semql

You can do this through UI as well by going to the option wizard and in sort records

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