Hello Vinoth,
To the extent of my knowledge those "statistics" are not stored in our solution.
However everything is stored either in the data location or the repository.
So querying those schemas with the right requests should help you compute those numbers.
And could be available in a dashboard for example.
Hi Alexia,
Thanks for the response.
We are querying the data/history tables to get the details for now, I was wondering if anything available within the product that can be used. We can see the job logs giving the total insert/update/delete counts for the entire job or task, but they are not the actual stats on data that we are looking for.
Hello Vinoth,
Indeed, some numbers are present in the job logs, but those are technical statistics on the actions made on the DB to process the certification. So 1 creation there does not equate to a record creation.
Hence why to have proper records statistics, you'll need to directly query the data location and/or repository based on your need.
Vinoth KUMAR C
Hi All,
We have a requirement to get below data statistics for each load
1. No. of new records
2. No. of updates
3. No. of merges
4. No. of duplicate/suggestion tasks created
Am looking if there are any standard options available in Semarchy to get these at the end of the load.
Would be great if you could share any inputs on the same. Thanks in advance!